Thursday, March 18, 2021

Promotional SMS Service Provider

Do you read an SMS that contains content of your interest? Probably yes. Once we buy a product or service, the company registers our contact details and starts sending promotional messages. It keeps reminding us about the product/services that may excite us. It is a simple strategy that can do wonders.

Promotional SMS marketing is more than 25 years old, but it is similarly efficient as any other marketing tool today.

Read on to know what is promotional SMS and what mistakes you need to avoid in promotional SMS marketing.

What is a Promotional SMS?

Promotional SMS is a term that we use to refer to Text Messages (SMS) to our buyers or potential buyers to make them aware of new offers and new products or services. Generally, promotional SMSs are sent to more than one person. It is also known as bulk SMS, as sent in bulk.

Promotional SMS Service Provider sends messages using web-based SMS software. He/she logs in to the account, uploads all the contact numbers, composes the text, and sets the date and time of the SMS campaign.

All the marketing messages will be counted as a promotional SMS. Besides, texts sent as an appointment reminder will not be promotional SMS.

5 Promotional SMS Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Promotional SMS marketing is evergreen. It generates higher leads than ever. But do you know the right way to send promotional SMS? And do you know the mistakes that you must avoid?

Let’s have a look at 5 promotional marketing mistakes to avoid.

1. Mobile-friendly Landing Page

Your customers will receive an SMS on their mobile phone. Most of the promotional messages contain a link that redirects the user to the website. It makes it easy for the user to respond to the offer.

However, many brands forget to add a mobile-friendly landing page link. This way, when the receiver cannot check the link properly, the SMS will be of no use.

2. Opt-Out

If you do not use an opt-out in your promotional SMS campaign, you are more likely to fail. This mistake is very common, and it can land you troubles with the ICO.

3. Text-to-Speech

Text-to-speech may be a convenient feature of SMS. But it is very casual and doesn’t sound professional. When you want to offer the best to your customers, you need to share proper details with complete words, as well as, sentences.

Do not take the risk of text-to-speech to write a message with proper communication skills. 

4. Confusing Text

Crisp SMS will always hit the customer’s mind. You only have 160 characters to share information, make the most out of it.

Explain your offer clearly and add a call-to-action. Do not confuse the reader by adding excessive details.

5. Sending Frequent SMS

Consistency is good, but the frequency may cause you loss of subscribers. If you send SMS too frequently, your customers will get annoyed and make them never want to have a deal with you. It also impacts your brand image.

Instead, make a schedule and send only those messages that excite your customers.

Techinfinity is a promotional SMS service provider, who can take over all your requirements of marketing your business through SMS. To know more, connect 2with Techinfinity today.

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